Portfolio X-Ray (Equity)
Optimize Your Investments with a Detailed Portfolio Analysis
Portfolio X-Ray
Our Portfolio X Ray service offers a detailed analysis of your investment portfolio for ₹2,500, covering up to 10 stocks. For additional stocks, it’s just ₹250 per stock—ensuring complete transparency with no hidden fees.
The Portfolio X Ray service delivers a thorough evaluation of your investments, helping you understand your portfolio’s strengths and areas for improvement. Priced at ₹2,500 for up to 10 stocks, this service provides a detailed breakdown of your assets, helping you make more informed investment decisions. If your portfolio includes more than 10 stocks, each additional stock is reviewed for just ₹250.
Our Approach
⦁ Recommendations are based on Techno-Funda Analysis.
Suitable For
⦁ If you are medium-term investors with a 1 to 3-year investment horizon.
Enhance Your Investment with Portfolio X-Ray Services
In our Portfolio X-Ray service, we help to deep-dive into your equity investments. With over 17+ years of market experience, we offer concentrated and comprehensive analysis on your portfolio’s health. The greatest value of this service is the ability to get more than just price information of the securities one owns or is planning to invest in, in order to make better investment decisions.
A qualitative and a quantitative report of your portfolio’s performance will also be provided to you. peer performance at different diversification levels, sector exposure, and performances of individual equities to check on your investment against the financial goals you bear. Whether you’re an MT fund investor or you’re managing big equity portfolios, our tips offer a professional outlook for your considerable investments.
Our Solutions for Your Portfolio Needs
Collaborating with esteemed organizations to provide expert insights and guidance
Comprehensive Portfolio Analysis
Receive a detailed report on your equity portfolio’s sectoral composition, diversification, and health to ensure it matches your profile.
Qualitative & Quantitative Insights
We provide both numerical data and in-depth analysis, covering trends, resistance zones, and portfolio quality to guide your decisions.
Techno-Funda-Based Recommendations
Our advice integrates technical and fundamental analysis to offer well-rounded recommendations based on market trends.
Actionable Guidance & Support
We help you refine your strategy and rebalance your portfolio, with a dedicated team ready to support your financial goals.